Rumah Jurnal Universitas Nasional Jakarta, merupakan Wadah diseminasi Penelitian dan pengabdian. mengajak kepada seluruh peneliti, dosen dan guru untuk menulis di RUmah Jurnal Universitas Nasional Jakarta.


  • Journal of Social Political Sciences


    Journal of Social Political Sciences  with EISSN : 27157539 study the sociological impacts of political systems, change in political policies and administration. It also refers to the study of interdisciplinary aspects of politics and international relations, social anthropology, social policy, global public health, social work, science, technology, innovation studies and sociology, etc. Study and research of political science necessitates the study of sociology, law, economics, history, philosophy and public policies. Studying the current trends and future prospects of political system helps in predicting the economic status of the entire society. published by Universitas Nasional Jakarta

  • Journal of Engineering Science and Technology

    Journal Of Engineering Science And Technology is a peer-reviewed journal that aims at the publication and dissemination of original research articles on the latest developments in all fields of engineering science and technology. The journal publishes original papers in English, which contribute to the understanding of engineering science and improvement of the engineering technology and education. Papers may be theoretical (including computational), experimental or both. The contribution should be unpublished before and not under consideration for publication elsewhere. published by Universitas Nasional Jakarta

  • Journal of Tropical Biodiversity

    Journal of Tropical Biodiversity is an international journal that publishes articles on all aspects of biological diversity-its description, analysis and conservation, and its controlled rational use by humankind. The scope of Biodiversity and Conservation is wide and multidisciplinary, and embraces all life-forms.

  • Komunitas : Journal of Community Engagement and Social Responsibility

    Komunitas : Journal of Community Engagement and Social Responsibility is a biannual refereed journal concerned with the practice and processes of community engagement. It provides a forum for academics, practitioners and community representatives to explore issues and reflect on practices relating to the full range of engaged activity. This journal is a peer-reviewed online journal dedicated to the publication of high-quality research focused on research, implementation, of policy about community engagement. published by Universitas Nasional Jakarta